Silchester Housing designed by Haworth Tompkins with LUC for Peabody © Philip Vile
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea is unique in many ways – with diverse communities, places of great cultural significance and an abundance of attractive streets and squares. Seventy five per cent of the borough falls within a conservation area, with over 4,000 listed buildings and monuments. It has the smallest population of any London borough, but some of the highest population densities in the country. There is a pressing need for more housing – and, in particular, affordable homes.
Protecting and enhancing Kensington and Chelsea’s outstanding heritage is a priority, but the borough also wants to see its less historic areas becoming the conservation areas of tomorrow.
The Design Museum at the Grade II* Listed former Commonwealth Institute
by John Pawson © Ardfern, Wikimedia Commons
The Local Plan makes a commitment to ‘upholding the residential quality of life through cherishing quality in the built environment, acting on environmental issues and facilitating local living, including through strengthening neighbourhood centres and maintaining and updating social infrastructure.’
The independent, expert advice provided by the Quality Review Panel is supporting the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea in meeting those objectives through high quality design – to the benefit of all those who visit, live and work in the borough.
The Kensington and Chelsea Quality Review Panel is chaired by Catherine Burd, Director of Burd Haward Architects.
Mixed use building, Sloane Square, Chelsea © AKT II
Kensington and Chelsea panel members
Catherine Burd (chair)
Jay Gort (vice chair)
Ziba Adrangi
Nimi Attanayake
Carrie Behar
Sasha Bhavan
Teresa Borsuk
Nairita Chakraborty
Tom Dollard
Biba Dow
Melissa Dowler
Timo Haedrich
Hanif Kara OBE
Matthew Lloyd
David Milner
Joe Morris
Henry Peterson
Ian Poole
David Ravenscroft
Antje Saunders
Deborah Saunt
Biljana Savic
Ann Sawyer
Ben Smith
Francis Terry
Sophie Thompson
Julian Turner