Newhall Be, Harlow, Alison Brooks Architects © Paul Riddle

Harlow and Gilston Garden Town will bring up to 10,000 new homes and new employment opportunities to the London Stanstead Cambridge Corridor within a setting that makes the most of the natural environment. The new garden town will spur growth not only in the immediate area but also more widely in Essex and Hertfordshire.
As well as homes and jobs, there will be new schools, health facilities and green spaces, all within easy walking, cycling and commuting distance. Harlow Council, East Hertfordshire District Council and Epping Forest District Council are working together to develop the new garden town.
St Paul's & St Mary's Church, Harlow © Discover Harlow
To achieve their aspirations and those of existing communities for the highest quality development, they have established a Quality Review Panel which brings together experts in all those areas essential to create a thriving and sustainable place where people will want to live, work and settle.
The Harlow and Gilston Quality Review Panel is chaired by Peter Maxwell, Director of Design, London Legacy Development Corporation.

Panel site visit © Ione Braddick

Harlow and Gilston panel members
Peter Maxwell (chair)
Hanna Afolabi
Phil Askew
Kamlesh Bava
Andrew Beharrell
Valerie Beirne
Jas Bhalla
Janinder Bhatti
Georgina Bignold
Jayne Bird
Garry Colligan
Angela Crowther
Neil Davidson
Giulio Ferrini
Kirsten Henson
Roland Karthaus
Dr Jan Kattein
Richard Lewis MRTPI MTPS
Prachi Rampuria
Vivienne Ramsey
Chris Snow
Peter Studdert
Judith Sykes
Richard Wilson
View of Parndon Mill © Dr Andrew Lewis