Land near Studfall Castle and Lympne Castle © Paul Wells

Folkestone & Hythe District Council is experiencing a period of rapid environmental, social and economic change with a vision to see the district flourish into a distinctive area of high-quality towns.
Regeneration of Folkestone, and ambitious plans for a new garden town at Otterpool Park are underway. At the same time, it will be essential to protect countryside and heritage assets. The District Council is addressing the implications of change through a place-shaping approach. The aim is to draw from the district's own characteristics and unique potential, to achieve high quality new developments.
Bartholomew Street, Hythe © Grassrootsgroundswell, Flickr
The Folkestone & Hythe Place Panel has been established to advise on development and regeneration projects coming forward across the district, which has contrasting rural landscapes and urban environment.
The Folkestone & Hythe Place Panel is chaired by Joanne Cave, partner at David Lock Associates.

Quarterhouse, Folkestone by Alison Brooks Architects © Dennis Gilbert
Three Hills Sports Park, Folkestone by Hollaway Studio
Folkestone & Hythe panel members
Joanne Cave (chair)
David Bickle
Tony Burton CBE
Nicole Collomb
Michael Copeman
Melissa Dowler
Jayne Earnscliffe
Luke Engleback
Barny Evans
Julie Godefroy
Louise Goodison
Guy Hollaway
Jack Hosea
Phil Jones
Kasang Kajang
Soraya Khan
Selina Mason
Stephen Proctor
Glen Richardson
Robert Sakula
John Stiles
Judith Sykes
Joe Todd
Glyn Tully
Liz Vinson
Dafydd Warburton
Gus Zogolovitch