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The Old Palace Grade II listed Bromley Civic Centre.jpg


The Old Palace, Bromley Civic Centre © Bromley Council

Aerial view Bromley Town Centre Bromley South Keston Ridge beyond.jpg

Occupying a strategic position in the south east of the capital, Bromley is the largest borough in London and is known for the high quality of its living, working, historic and natural environments. Bromley values its distinctive neighbourhoods, ranging from the rural, to suburban and urban. Open countryside, protected by the Green Belt, makes up over half the borough with the majority of population concentrated in the northern part of the borough.


Bromley’s historical development has played an important part in establishing its character, which is reflected in 47 Conservation Areas and a significant number of statutory listed and locally listed buildings, which along with high quality new development contributes to civic pride and wellbeing. The overriding vision for Bromley, is to support opportunities for sustainable growth, whilst ensuring that the existing character and identity of Bromley is enhanced and retained. The Council aims to create ‘a fantastic place to live and work, where everyone can lead healthy, safe and independent lives.

Aerial view of Bromley South © Bromley Council

The appointment of an independent Design Review Panel is part of the Borough’s process for ensuring effective testing of development proposals, and sits alongside wider local planning policy and committed investment in staff and support services. 


The Design Review Panel is chaired by Andrew Beharrell, Consultant at Pollard Thomas Edwards.

Beckenham town centre.jpg

Beckenham © Bromley Council


Bromley panel members

Andrew Beharrell (chair)

Anna Mansfield (vice chair)

Ibrahim Buhari
Andrew Cameron
Sophia Ceneda
Kate Digney
Carola Enrich
Liz Grove
Tom Lewith
Greg Moss
Hugo Nowell
Donncha O Shea
James Parkin
Tricia Patel
Ingrid Petit
Tim Pitman
Amanda Reynolds
Tahera Rouf
Renée Searle
Amandeep Singh Kalra
Simon Tucker

Tom Waddicor

Terms of reference

Bromley High Street © Frame Projects

Crystal Palace Theatre_Matt Brown_Flickr.jpg

Crystal Palace Theatre © Matt Brown, Flickr

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